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Species partially hidden
The following species are year-round or during the breeding season by the system automatically marked as "protected observation". You cannot manually remove the protection for these species in the times indicated. Observations outside these periods and observations of any other taxon, you can manually protect (and remove the protection again). Make use of it, if you are concerned that through your publication the (breeding) occurrence or area might be disturbed or threatened. Protected observations are marked by a yellow key (visible with your own observations). They are only visible to users with extended rights for a region or a species (regional coordinators, species specialists).
Species :
Data from following species are automatically hidden :
 Alcon Blue (Phengaris alcon écotype alcon ou rebeli)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Apollo (Parnassius apollo)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Baton Blue (Pseudophilotes baton)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Blue-spot Hairstreak (Satyrium spini)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Chapman's Blue (Polyommatus thersites)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Chapman's Green Hairstreak (Callophrys avis)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Chequered Blue (Scolitantides orion)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Cinquefoil Skipper (Pyrgus cirsii)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Cranberry Fritillary (Boloria aquilonaris)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Damon Blue (Polyommatus damon)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Dusky Large Blue (Phengaris nausithous)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Furry Blue (Polyommatus dolus)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Idas Blue (Plebejus idas)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Iolas Blue (Iolana iolas)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Large Copper (Lycaena dispar)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Large Heath (Coenonympha tullia)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Lesser Marbled Fritillary (Brenthis ino)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Moorland Clouded Yellow (Colias palaeno)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Mountain Alcon Blue (Phengaris alcon écotype rebeli)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Mountain Small White (Pieris ergane)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Nickerl's Fritillary (Melitaea aurelia)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Oriental Meadow Brown (Hyponephele lupina)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Phengaris alcon écotype alcon
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Pigmy Skipper (Gegenes pumilio)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Poplar Admiral (Limenitis populi)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Portuguese Dappled White (Euchloe tagis)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Provence Hairstreak (Tomares ballus)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Purple-shot Copper (Lycaena alciphron)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Scarce Fritillary (Euphydryas maturna)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Scarce Heath (Coenonympha hero)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Scarce Large Blue (Phengaris teleius)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
 Small Apollo (Parnassius phoebus)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Southern Festoon (Zerynthia polyxena)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Southern Swallowtail (Papilio alexanor)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Spanish Festoon (Zerynthia rumina)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Spanish Fritillary (Euphydryas desfontainii)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
The Hermit (Chazara briseis)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Titania's Fritillary (Boloria titania)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Tufted Marbled Skipper (Muschampia floccifera)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Turquoise Blue (Polyommatus dorylas)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Twin-spot Fritillary (Brenthis hecate)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Violet Copper (Lycaena helle)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Warren's Skipper (Pyrgus warrenensis)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Woodland Brown (Lopinga achine)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st
Yellow-spotted Ringlet (Erebia manto)
partial restriction of publication between the January 1st and the December 31st